Saturday, September 1, 2012


I admit, I am pushing thirty-years-old and I start to get tired around this time in the day. On a good day I can stay awake until 10:00 PM, but not without suffering the consequences for it the next day.

As I begin to feel sleepy, I am constantly continuing to do what I do on a normal day as I conduct this blog-a-thon, I network and share information on animals in need. I don't think you can ever really get used to the kinds of things people who do what I do see, or read, or hear. When you do see certain things that tug at your heart strings extra hard and you try and fight back the tears that undoubtedly well up in your eyes, you find motivation to keep going, to keep fighting and working hard at doing what you do for that one animal. I could share so many stories, but I want this blog-a-thon to be as positive as possible because I find animals to be such positive and loving creatures.

I saw one photograph that did just that this afternoon between blog posts, the above photo was posted on Facebook and it served as a reminder of WHY I am doing what I am doing this very second. It reminded me WHY I do this every. day. of. my. life and will continue to do so for long as I am physically able to. It reminded me why I am fighting on though the yawns and stinging eyes because there are helpless creatures out there who have it much, much worse.

Thousands of animals are dropped off at shelters each and every day for reasons that will always anger and sadden me, and it is the advocates of animals who stand up and fight against this from happening, and ultimately saving these animals by finding them a foster home, or a permanent home. Through the work of Best Friends Animal Society, and countless other organizations, those thousands of animals that are dumped off at shelters will hopefully be dwindled down to zero.

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