Saturday, September 1, 2012

Bloggin' Buddy

You might be wondering if I am the only one participating in blog-a-thon this year, and the answer is no!

In the above picture with me is Ethan, he is basically the coolest kid you will ever meet and he is the son of one of my best friends, Lindsay. Lindsay is blogging along with me raising money for Global Links, a company dedicated to promoting environmental stewardship and improving the health of others in resource-poor communities.

Lindsay is raising money for Global Links in an effort to provide breathing nebulizers for families who are unable to afford one for their own children yet are MUCH needed as nebulizers treat many illnesses and diseases. That cutie pie sitting on my lap in that photo has to use a nebulizer himself to receive treatment for RSV, so this organization is definitely near and dear to Lindsay's heart.

They are an incredibly worthwhile organization and you should head on over to their website and check them out, while you are at it, go over and say hello to Lindsay as she is blogging around the clock as well!


  1. Woooooooo! He is totally the coolest kid ever and so are you for blogging around the clock with us! We rule! Enjoy your enchiladas and don't forget to e-mail me a latte! OM NOM.

    1. I DEVOURED those things!! Must have been hungrier than I thought. :)

      One latte coming your way! :)
