The politics behind pit bulls is not something I will go into during my blog-a-thon, but in order to understand why Neighborhood Pit Bull Day was established, one must understand that pit bull type dogs are frequently allowed into the wrong hands and there are people out there who do not train/care for/socialize them properly. Part of this kind of relationship with said pit bull type dogs is the belief that if they are bred, they will have the most masculine dogs, and other such beliefs. In an effort to not only end this kind of mentality and behavior, this event hopes to end the pet overpopulation problem as well, as a significant number of dogs that end up in shelters are pit bull type dogs.
Through further education with willing individuals, pit bull type dogs can hopefully no longer be seen as "scary" or "killers," but for the gentle and sweet souls that they really are. Some of the kindest dogs I have ever spent time with are pit bull type dogs, so I can say this with much authority! :)
Neighborhood Pit Bull Day not only offers free spay/neuter services but microchipping, toys, food, treats, and other educational resources and guidelines that pit bull type dog guardians may need. It is definitely a one-stop-shop for all things "Pibble" and the event is quite popular!

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