Saturday, September 1, 2012

Sponsor Post #1

My first sponsor post is dedicated to the AMAZING organization Cat Tee Mission! I thought that a fun way to introduce everyone to Cat Tee Mission would be to publish an interview that I gave to the founder, Sarah Menzies.

K: What is Cat Tee Mission and how did you come up with the idea?

S: I was trying to come up with a great fundraising idea for what seemed like forever. I wanted to establish my own organisation to help needy cat rescue groups, and also use my talents to help get the funds rolling in. One day the idea of tee shirts just popped in my head, so I started designing. We now sell cute kitty tees with a message, all with 100% of the profits going to 5 different cat rescue/TNR groups around the world.

K: Where do you hope to take Cat Tee Mission in the future?

S: I'd like to add new designs regularly, and I'd also like to expand our product range. And hopefully one day, if we're making enough money to make a difference, I can also add new cat rescue groups.

K: I recently read about your trip to Namibia to help animals in your blog, can you tell us about that trip?

S: My trip to Namibia was a dream come true for me! I'd wanted to go to Africa my whole life and now I'm wondering why it took me so long to get there! I love all animals, but my love for cats in particular is what drove me to go and volunteer at Harnas Wildlife Foundation in Namibia. They are a sanctuary that rescues orphaned, abused, injured or abandoned animals, many of which are wild big and small cats (lions, leopards, cheetahs, caracals) as well as domestic cats. I got to work hands on with these amazing animals and the experience has truly changed me. I've traveled abroad many times, but this was the first time I'd ever cried like a baby on leaving. The whole experience was just so comforting and rewarding - the only way I can explain the feeling is by saying that I felt like I was receiving a giant, constant hug the whole time I was there.

K: What was your most memorable experience in Namibia?

S: Sleeping under the African sky with a full grown cheetah named Atheno. It was just me, one other volunteer and Atheno, and he snuggled and purred between us the whole night. It was cold but it was worth it! Amazing!

K: Do you see yourself continuing to help animals like this in the future?

S: Definitely, I can't not go back.

K: Do you have any cats of your own?

S: I have two gorgeous boys. Bosco who is about to turn 7 and Oliver who just turned 1. They're both gorgeous shelter kitties and I love them to pieces!

K: How can others get involved with helping animals, or even through Cat Tee Mission?

S: Buy a tee, save a cat! That's our motto. Also, spreading the word about CTM is always helpful, and we love giving interviews ;) I also can't recommend volunteering enough! Whether you go abroad, or just to your local shelter, it all helps. Some people don't have the money to buy a tee, or donate, and that's completely understandable, but volunteering your time is free and so rewarding. Go and hug some animals at the pound, I promise you wont regret it!

K: Have you heard about Best Friends Animal Society in the past?

S: I have. Organisations like Best Friends really make me feel all warm and fuzzy and I wish there were more like them!

K: What drew you to want to be a sponsor for my blog-a-thon?

S: If I can use my talents to help animals in need, I will gladly always do that. I have a full time job, so I don't sell my art to make money, I sell it to help animals in need, so I'm more than happy to give it away for a great cause and have done so many times.

K: Ay final words, pictures, or information you would like to share with everyone?

S: Some photos from Namibia attached. The one of the little black and white cat is the sweetest Namibian kitty we met, and he slept on our bed every night. I still miss him so much and will always remember him!

Thank you to Sarah from Cat Tee Mission for the interview and pictures! I really do feel that in order to gain an understanding of the needs of homeless animals right here in your own city/state/nation, you need to branch out and learn about the needs of homeless animals EVERYWHERE. Sarah has generously donated her best-selling handmade cat breeds poster for one lucky winner!



1 comment:

  1. Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek, these are the best pictures I've ever SEEN! (Also, I can't remember your Blog-A-Thon e-mail address so e-mail me! Haha!)
